By Tatyana Brown
The relationship between poetry as it is performed and websites such as YouTube and Upworthy is a rich and complicated one. Purists will tell you nothing compares to being in the room with a live audience in … Continue reading→
by Wilbur Dee Case
As T. S. Eliot once noted in an essay of his, which I am merely paraphrasing from memory, the poet approaches literary criticism from a different vantage point than the scholar. Now that might have had … Continue reading→
By Victor D. Infante
Just the other day, in a bar in New York City, I sat across from an academic poet and we talked about the common threads between slam and flarf – two sometimes redheaded stepchildren of contemporary … Continue reading→
By Rachel McKibbens
It has taken me two years to get around to writing this, but after coming home from the Women of the World poetry slam on Sunday, and being asked repeatedly what I meant by something I said … Continue reading→
The Editors Write: With her fearless internal excavations and snap-rattle metaphors, Megan Thoma is easily among the most interesting of the current generation of poets coming into their own by way of slam. Note the phraseology: Is that in some … Continue reading→