Tag Archives: Seamus Heaney

Clipped Wings and Fearful Trills: Maya Angelou, the ’80s and the Obfuscation of African-American Poetry

By Victor D. Infante

When Maya Angelou died Wednesday, I told a story to my co-workers that I don’t think I’ve ever told before: That in my early teens, I read my way through the Laguna Beach Public Library’s poetry … Continue reading

Where Something Beautiful Should Be: Radius, Volume Four

By Victor D. Infante

Just the other day, in a bar in New York City, I sat across from an academic poet and we talked about the common threads between slam and flarf – two sometimes redheaded stepchildren of contemporary … Continue reading

Life After Birth: how becoming a mother made poetry vital

By Lauren Gordon

I used to write really bad poetry.  Really, really bad poetry.  Poems about Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill wine.  Poems about being lonely, misanthropic, angsty — basically poems that sounded like the lyrics to a Linkin Park song.  … Continue reading

One Just Man: Saying Goodbye to Seamus Heaney, and Resuming the Third Volume of Radius

By Victor D. Infante

When I was a teenager living in England, I became obsessed with Ireland, the land of my mother’s ancestors … a place that seemed so close and yet, for a poor college student, as out of … Continue reading