There are a lot of good reasons why both print and online journals – and Radius is no exception – involve themselves in the rigmarole of nominating its contributors for awards. A little prestige and exposure can bring in readers, … Continue reading→
Elegy, Much Later
for Jonny
By Derek JG Williams
It’s been five years
since we met. In that first
year we fell
for the idea of death—
it didn’t seem like quitting.
If friends … Continue reading→
By Vishnu Nagar
I have never been to America, was never invited either
That I would be invited is unlikely
My children do not have any plans as of now
To go or settle down … Continue reading→
By Jade Sylvan
I have tons of Facebook friends I’ve never met in real life. These friends engage with my Facebook personality, which, as I’ve written it, is a pretty cryptic, absurd voice. They like its statuses. They comment on … Continue reading→