By Patricia Goodwin
the world fights one civil war
there are no more countries
only banks
we fight ourselves
with our own guns
you who are there in the dust
you who know
By Patricia Goodwin
the world fights one civil war
there are no more countries
only banks
we fight ourselves
with our own guns
you who are there in the dust
you who know
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By Joseph Ross
Two Men Raised, Right Panel
for James Byrd and Barack Obama
A man raised
his hand
to protect his face
from the rocks
on the Texas road where
they … Continue reading→
for Anne Silver
By Deborah Edler Brown
What poems would you write
about dying? What words
would convey the release
of flesh? Which unlikely
pair would tell the unpairng
of body and … Continue reading→
Color Hiroshima
By Laltu
Pink in a black and white photograph
that got evaporated
we look at color Hiroshima with eyes wide open
well aware that color darkness is all around us
Hibakusha is the color of … Continue reading→
Asians In The Library Of The World
A Persona Poem In The Voice Of Alexandra Wallace
By Beau Sia
didn’t you hear me say
that I’m not politically correct?
I said that! but you keep misinterpreting me,
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