Now that we’re done with our post-election scream and our Pushcart nominations, it’s time for us to begin decelerating for the holidays. But don’t worry, we still have a few goodies before the year’s out, as well as some big … Continue reading→
Those that don’t learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Consequently, those that do learn the lessons of history are also doomed to repeat it, because honestly, we only need to watch … Continue reading→
Mirror Of Light
For Sara Teasdale
By Bobbi Sinha-Morey
On the lap of earth petals
of light quivered upon her
grave, her spirit hushed
like love that had been
tightly sealed away, her
… Continue reading→
spring cleaning
By Shereen Lee
i slept through most wars.
still, there were many knives in the garden
upon my awakening:
always ready for someone else to sharpen.
the streets were littered with bombs and an
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Is this How Empathy Ends?
By sam sax
i don’t have it in me to flee again
so i suppose this is my country
good morning stop sign | 70 degree fall | gutted business | bus graffitied … Continue reading→