Those that don’t learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Consequently, those that do learn the lessons of history are also doomed to repeat it, because honestly, we only need to watch … Continue reading→
Frank Stanford sitting on a cumulonimbus near the gate that bypasses Purgatory
By Richard H. Fox
— It wasn’t a dream it was a flood — Frank Stanford, poet (1948-1978)
I need a wingman to watch my back
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Song Fragments From the Brokenhearted Chorus
A Composite Poem
Sift dirt from any American lawn: chipped calcium and nitrogen
amendments enrich the roses’ blush past burn with meal ground
from the murdered and … Continue reading→
it was one of us
By Richard H. Fox
Ray, six-feet two, shoulders that carried kegs like cans—
charcoal skin, knee holed jeans, red t-shirt, vest populated by power pins.
his girlfriend Rebecca—minister’s daughter, albino white,
… Continue reading→