A Pentagon Official Drafts A Condolence Letter
By Tom Daley
[Her tomboy taunts all stilled.] No note of praise
that I might shape could lull your shock or gloom.
Your daughter fell [to find the End of … Continue reading→
Siete Dolores de Nuestra Señora
By Fiona Chamness
Lay down stones for a street like all streets mortared in red sweat
and name it Seven Maladies of Our Lady, kick crown
and severed skull down … Continue reading→
There comes a point, in the course of publishing a literary journal, where you look back and begin to see some of the underlying themes that you’ve been reaching for, the ones you couldn’t articulate at first, but which were … Continue reading→
By Robert Wynne
Thank you for joining me! Over the past year or so, I’ve sporadically published some invented forms in this fine online journal, and I have decided to try to focus on churning out one new such column … Continue reading→
Gilan Province
By Jenn Monroe
Did you know there is a rainforest in Iran along the coast of the Caspian Sea, lush
with humidity? Within it, the City of Silver Rains, Oriental Beech, Ironwood, Persian Silk
Trees. … Continue reading→