The Ellen Jamesian is a Mermaid
By Heather J. Macpherson
Sailing shorthanded, the catboat
swings forth with a mind set on me,
two men all dark summer flesh, caught
up with myth. And I took the … Continue reading→
By Thom Young
I am the American
kissing the sky with a manicured
lawn with skeletons
buried in the back yard
two point five brats
staring at a dull
… Continue reading→
Rumi Visits Sesame Street™
By Robert Wynne
He waves to Kermit with a left hand
the color felt becomes
when it’s achieved oneness
with the idea of neighborhood.
L, he says, is for the Love in … Continue reading→
By Bob Carr
A top shelf bourbon
a fused stack of spine
the Vicodin sticks
in my throat going down
on my back I listen
for that sparkler sizzle
a bloom at … Continue reading→
Note to a Bojeski
By Nkosi Nkululeko
“I remember how I died. It was so simple!” – The late Thomas James [Bojeski]
The shallow end of a river yearns for rain. That much I know. Stilled, with echo’s … Continue reading→