You might have noticed the new “donate” button in the upper right-hand corner of the website.
When we founded Radius‘ predecessor, The November 3rd Club, we were working from the idea that certain pieces of literature should be free, particularly literature that could, conceivably, save someone’s life, or make a positive change in a community’s well-being, or even just change someone’s mind about an issue. We were taken with the idea that anyone with a computer could access the largely political or politicized writing that we published, that it would be in a place where it could do the most good.
So everyone worked for free, and we didn’t pay contributors. It’s an ethos that’s continued all the way into The November 3rd Club’s transition into Radius.
And we’ll be completely honest: Editor-in-Chief Victor D. Infante is a stubborn cuss who has trouble asking for help. But that being said …
After several years of paying for Internet hosting, recently purchasing a new computer – which is part of the reason content’s been slow on the site recently – and looking at new software to help update and expand the site, it’s become clear that asking for donations is perhaps not so ignoble as we might have thought at first, that not not only is it OK to ask for assistance once in a while, but that there are even many people who want to help keep Radius going, even if it’s just by throwing $5 at it.
So there it is. We’ve set up an an account on Gumroad where we can accept donations.
No song and dance. No pronouncements of Armageddon. No guilt trips. Just a simple request that, if Radius means something to you, and you feel the poetry and thoughts on the art form we provide make a difference in your life, please feel free to show your support with a donation of $1, $5, $20 or whatever you feel comfortable with to help us keep it running and growing.
And THANK YOU in advance. We know it’s a cliché, but every little bit does help ensure that we’re able to continue making this online literary journal the best that it can be.
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