Not long ago, we put Radius on hold while we went about the laborious process of retooling the site for the future, most notably, adding some staff to help carry the load, bring some different vision to our context and postpone a certain editor’s impending nervous breakdown. The effort’s definitely paid off.

It’s with great pleasure that I welcome Tara Betts and Heather Sommer as our new Poetry Acquisitions Editors. They’ll be charged with hunting and gathering the best poetry they can find in the wild for our rather particular needs. Tara was one of the editors at our predecessor, The November 3rd Club, and is the author of the excellent work of poetry, Arc & Hue. Heather comes to us fresh of a stint working in the offices of Write Bloody Publishing, where she was an organizing dynamo. We couldn’t be luckier to have them both on board.

Also joining us as our new Reviews Editor is Carlye Archibeque, who’s edited reviews and nonfiction for The November 3rd Club, Next … Magazine and The Independent Reviews Site. It’s hard to imagine anyone better suited to the job.

Lastly, we’ll be adding regular contributions from Jade Sylvan and Laura E.J. Moran, both of whom have appeared recently here on Radius.

Obviously, it’s an exciting time, here, and we’re feeling excited about the future. We’re going to take a bit more to get everybody up to speed and organized, after which, Radius will return. In the meantime, we’re still accepting submissions.

Stay tuned …

Victor D. Infante
Radius: Poetry From the Center to the Edge