By Roxanne Dent
Chapter One:“Ivy Sings the Blues”
New York City, 1928
I poured a second cup of java and glanced out the tall windows of my third-floor walkup on St. Luke’s Place. Below people rushed to work. The sound … Continue reading→
By TS Hidalgo
Violentos ángeles de Caravaggio
(unos locos y, contra Lucy Lurie, su arrebato apabullante:
silencio austero sobre el lomo arqueado del relámpago);
interpretación muy sui géneris, acaso lisérgica,
de la Gracia:
han empleado su fuerza para someterla.
Bienvenidos a la pantallaborrosa de un cine X.
Un … Continue reading→
Moments of recognition are difficult. Say you’re an artist, or maybe an activist. Maybe you’re a journalist, or even a politician. Whatever you do, there is always a moment where you look out that the world and realize that everything … Continue reading→
Donald Trump Points to Melania During the RNC Convention, 18 July 2016 By Andrew Rihn
A sparring match, a setting, and nothing else. Jab, cross, punch to the … Continue reading→
By Victor D. Infante Veteran’s Day is odd for a pacifist. In some ways, it feels almost hypocritical when you spend the rest of the year in moral opposition to violence in general and warfare in particular, especially when you … Continue reading→