Tag Archives: political poems

‘Epilogue for the 21st Century,’ by Nancy Mercado

Epilogue for the 21st Century
By Nancy Mercado

And the demon took possession of the nation
Leading it by the nose in circles
Engaging in topsy-turvy talk
Weaving and unstitching gnarls of lies
Dangling morsels of doubletalk and innuendos
And the nation jumped
In attempts to capture … Continue reading

Five Poems by Mary Shanley

Jane Bowles
By Mary Shanley

We meet in a chamber
deep within the recesses
of a milieu encompassing
centuries of souls exotique.

I recognize your scent,
Casbah, 1949.

Shoot a glance
double take
fatal charmer of snakes
within my skin
ready to shed again,
I find you irresistible.

By Mary Shanley

Alexander … Continue reading