Tag Archives: Tony Brown

‘Fold, Stagnate or Change’: Presenting our 2018 Pushcart Prize Nominees

Moments of recognition are difficult. Say you’re an artist, or maybe an activist. Maybe you’re a journalist, or even a politician. Whatever you do, there is always a moment where you look out that the world and realize that everything … Continue reading

‘Against the blackened sky’: Our 2016 Pushcart Prize nominees

Those that don’t learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Consequently, those that do learn the lessons of history are also doomed to repeat it, because honestly, we only need to watch … Continue reading

‘Make no mistake: The world is bleeding’: Our 2016 Best of the Net nominees

By Victor D. Infante 2016 has been a strange sort of watershed for celebrity culture, from the deaths of beloved public figures such as Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glen Frey, Gene Wilder, Edward Albee, W.P. Kinsella and Muhammed Ali, … Continue reading