By TS Hidalgo
Violentos ángeles de Caravaggio
(unos locos y, contra Lucy Lurie, su arrebato apabullante:
silencio austero sobre el lomo arqueado del relámpago);
interpretación muy sui géneris, acaso lisérgica,
de la Gracia:
han empleado su fuerza para someterla.
Bienvenidos a la pantallaborrosa de un cine X.
Un amor perpetrado en campo abierto:
una gacela rota en la tela del sueño.
En este jardín, ahora rodeado por las llamas,
un diamante tallado,
también confiscado, muy al norte de esta nueva Sudáfrica,
delirio, truco, trampantojo
(y, posible o imposiblemente,
su asesinato).
La cordura ha sido encerrada:
en todo momento cárcel transparente sin salida,
y sumisión a los postres:
una guerra como unaopereta.
Tormenta huracanada,
a este lado del Leviatán,
la Humanidad ya no tiene salvación:
hoy se asemeja, sin vuelta atrás,
a todo un manicomio.
Pálida y redonda, cual huevo de lechuza,
apenas luce esta noche la luna,
sobre el flotante espesor de niebla.
El Código Penal que poseemos,
no basta por sí mismo, no,
para dar solución, just-in-time,
a la escritura indefensa.
By TS Hidalgo
Caravaggio’s violent angels
(some crazy and, against Lucy Lurie,
their crushing fit of rage:
austere silence on the curved loin of the lightening);
a very unique interpretation, lysergic perhaps, of Grace:
they used their strength to subjugate it.
Welcome to the fuzzy screen of an X movie theater.
Love perpetrated perhaps in the open field:
a broken gazelle on the fabric of the dream.
In this garden, now surrounded by llamas,
a chiseled diamond;
also confiscated,
far north of this new South Africa;
raving, trick, trompe d’oeil
(and, possible and impossibly, its death).
Sanity has been locked up:
always transparent prison with no escape,
and subservience in the end:
a war like an operetta.
Hurricaned storm,
on this side of Leviathan,
Humanity can no longer be saved:
today it all looks, fatalist,
just like an insane asylum.
Pale and round,
like an owl egg,
the moon barely shines, tonight,
on the floating thickness of fog.
The Criminal Code we have cannot, no,
solve, just-in-time,
defenseless writing.
TS Hidalgo holds a BBA (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), an MBA (IE Business School), an MA in Creative Writing (Hotel Kafka) and a Certificate in Management and the Arts (New York University). His works have been published in magazines in the USA,Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Germany, UK, Spain, Ireland,Portugal, Romania, Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, India and Australia, and he has been the winner of prizes such as the Criaturas feroces (Editorial Destino) in short story and a finalist at Festival Eñe in the novel category.
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