Awards season is upon us, and the confluence of nominations for both Best of the Net and Best Indie Lit New England being due has given us cause to review our entire past two years’ worth of work. It’s moments … Continue reading→
By Jeffrey R. DeRego
Part Eight
The limousine door opens as I run up the street. We’re barreling out of the city before I get it closed and struggle to catch my breath.
… Continue reading→By Jeffrey R. DeRego
Part seven
I wake up to harsh fluorescent lights. My right arm is handcuffed to a hospital bed. The soft perpetual bleeping of machinery fills the room. I get … Continue reading→
By Jeffrey R. DeRego
Part six
The kid’s voice quiets a little as I bolt down the street into the heavy weekend traffic of Acushnet Avenue. High school kids cruise up and down … Continue reading→
By Jeffrey R. DeRego
Part Five
The tenements are easy to scale, but I ring the apartment doorbell beneath the intercom instead. They don’t answer immediately. Someone thunders down the steps.
I smile … Continue reading→