The Corporate State
By Buff Whitman-Bradley
The Supreme Court has just declared us unconstitutional
Killer drones keep track of us night and day
Monster multinationals have patented all our genes
And nailed eviction notices to our foreheads
We’re going to need a couple of minutes
To figure out our next move
Buff Whitman-Bradley’s poetry has appeared in numerous print and online journals. He is the former producer of the Courage to Resist Audio Project and co-editor of the forthcoming book About Face: Military Resisters Turn Against War (PM Press, 2011). He lives with his wife Cynthia just north of San Francisco.
The last two lines of this carry both menace and actual strength. Normally, I have a hard time hearing poems without punctuation, and this can hamper my digestion of the work. Not so much here. This is good.