By Victor D. Infante
Part Ten
Abigail sits on the edge of my bed, saying nothing. I don’t know where I am, but I can feel nursery rhymes soaked into the walls. They … Continue reading→
By Victor D. Infante
Part Nine
I wipe the blood from the mirror, then check the time. Almost midnight. Like I said, “The Witching Hour.” Vegas money she’s a traditionalist.
I stop and … Continue reading→
By Victor D. Infante
Part Eight
“So you were totally bluffing,” says Steph, as I recount the story on my return. “Because that’s not exactly how a hologram works.”
I nod, as I … Continue reading→
Part Seven
The biggest mystery in my witching career is why I’m a witch and my mother isn’t. Usually, the line of inheritance is pretty clear cut. When grandma died, it should have … Continue reading→
By Victor D. Infante
Part Six
Steph arrives at my place with a couple of plastic bags of Chinese food from Chang’s, because she knows I won’t eat the cheaper stuff that actually … Continue reading→