The Death of a Performance Poet
By Adam Grabowski
He remembers wide eyed
but with a bitter lip.
Said he was living out West
but was thinking of moving
here for a while.
He read this great poem
last night,
it was so funny
so amazing
it had this great line in it
God, what was his name?
Adam Grabowski’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in DMQ Review, Off the Coast, jubilat, Beech St. Review, Drunk in a Midnight Choir, and elsewhere. He received his MSW from Westfield State University in 2012 and is an instructor with Pioneer Valley Writer’s Workshop. The Hampden Co. rep for, Adam lives with his wife and two children in Holyoke, Ma. His most recent chapbook is The Washing Our Hands EP.
Punched in the gut. Salute.