As the year closes out, and we reflect on the work we’ve done over the past twelve months, it’s hard not to be blown away by not just the quality of the work we’ve shared, but it’s ferocity and passion. Our contributors have come to us from all over the world, from the UK to India to Australia to Hong Kong, and each contribution has proved an important and intrinsically vital piece of the conversation this literary journal has been trying to have for the past five years-odd. We originally set out to have a discussion about poetry and how it lives in the real world, but the road to that journey has meant exploring other avenues, too — war, racism, violence, all of these things which eat at us, that shape our lives in sometimes tragic ways. To understand the role of poetry in the world, we also need to understand those things. We need to understand how poetry is connected to that wound, and consequently, we need to understand how, as both individuals and as nations, and indeed, as a species, we fight to stay alive, and to remain human. The struggle to understand poetry’s place in the real world is also the struggle to understand what it means to be human. It is a conversation we are nowhere near done with.
Radius is free, and no one gets paid for anything, but we do incur some minor expenses, most notably our Internet hosting. It’s with that we come, hat in hand, and ask that, if you enjoy Radius and the work we do, and wish us to continue your exploration of poetry as something more than a linguistic parlor trick, please take a second to donate a few dollars to our Gumroad account. We really only need to raise $200 or so, so even $1 or $5 helps, and $25 takes us a major chunk of the way there.
We’re not very good at coming up with clever incentives — we really rely more on altruism and goodwill — but we will tell you this: If we clear our incredibly modest fundraising goal, we’ll be able to begin work on, sometime within the next year, putting together a PRINT anthology of the best of Radius and The November 3rd Club. If that’s something you’d like to see happen — and you know what sort of work we’ve published and what a rad book that’ll be — then please, help us get started by keeping us online.
Much thanks, and happy holidays,
Victor D. Infante
Radius: Poetry From the Center to the Edge
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